Are You Ready To Design Your DREAM JOB in 2022?
Get Step-By-Step Guidance To Escape the Rate Race And Love What You Do for JUST $997 $19

The Life You Want, The Passion You Want,  The Family You Want... Is All Made Possible By Designing Your Dream Job...

The 'Dream Job Design Workshop' Starts On April 25th...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Registration ends Apr 24th at 10PM ET!

Join The Workshop Now For A One- Time Discounted Payment of Only $19

Even Though You Want A Job You Love, You Will Never Be Truly Fulfilled in Work If You Don't DESIGN The Job That Is Aligned With Your Purpose and Passion
From: Alex Swanton
Where: Boston, MA

We're living in the most important, defining moment of our careers right now...

But we can't just sit around and wait for our Dream Job to fall in our lap...

What does 'Dream Job Design' mean for you...?

For everyone it's different...
For some of you, you're in a job that you hate, and you're trying to get out.

For others, you don't hate your job, but you're bored... you're stuck, and you're not sure why.

And for others of you, you're looking for that DREAM JOB that will help you to have a more positive impact on the world!

Before I share with you MY GOAL for this 'Dream Job Design Workshop' for YOU... let me ask you a few questions...

Please Check All Of The Questions Where Your Answer Is YES!

Do want a new job but you feel completely stuck and lost?
Do you want to love your job but you wake up each morning feeling like, "What's the point of all this???"
Do you want to make a positive impact in your work but your stuck working for a large corporation you don't believe in?
Do you want to feel valued at work but you feel like you don't belong with your team or your don't get along with your boss?
Do you want to do something new but you don't feel confident enough to make the change?
Do you want to feel passionate about your work but you have no clue what you want to do?
Do you want to find your purpose but you're overwhelmed by the pressure?

If You Checked ANY Of The Boxes Above, Then I Want To Invite You To Join The 'Dream Job Design Workshop' And Change Your Life Forever

Sarah, Cape Town, South Africa

"Alex helped me refine three clear goals and set practical action plans in place. I’d felt stuck for a long time but hadn’t really realized it...Alex helped me gain new insight into a my career goals and find a way that I could implement this now in my current role. I felt inspired, motivated and lighter after working with him..."

YES Alex! Give Me Instant Access To The Dream Job Design Workshop RIGHT NOW For Just $19 !
  Instant Access To Dream Job Design System and Workshop  (Value $497)
  Full Access to the Dream Job Design Action Plan (Value $247)
  Finally Discover the 4 Pillars of Fulfillment (Value $147)
  ​Instant Access to the Ignite Your Passion Cookbook (Value $247)
  Full Access to Discover Your Purpose Decoded (Value $247)
Total Value: $1,585
Today Just $19

Need More Information Before You Make Your Decision...? 

Let Me Break Down All The Awesome Stuff You'll Get When You Join The Workshop Today! 

You Get Both Strategy and Guided Implementation With The Dream Job Design Workshop and Bonuses

Step #1

Watch The Strategy Videos

Step #2

Do The Simple Design Exercises

Step #3

Land Your Dream Job

When You Join The Dream Job Design Workshop ($997 For Just $19.00)
You'll Get All Of These Bonuses For FREE!
Bonus #1 - The Dream Job Action Plan
"Live Your Dreams Action Plan and Exercises"
Total Value: $297
When most people sign up to a course, they just watch a bunch of videos and then go back to their normal lives. Not here. Each module comes with guided exercises to ensure that you start taking action with certainty to design and make your dream job a reality RIGHT NOW. 

It will help you say goodbye indecision and self-doubt, and hello happiness and freedom! Others have paid over $297 for just THESE ACTION EXERCISES, but you'll be getting them FREE when you order The Dream Job Design Workshop Today!
Get This For FREE When You Order The Dream Job Design Workshop Today! 
Bonus #2 - The 4 Pillars of Fullfillment
"The Expert’s Job Design Guide To Create Your Dream Job"
Total Value: $297
One of my mentors changed my world when he told me about the strategic pillars of running a company.  Fortune 500 companies in every industry use the pillars because they makes it so easy to manage the business.

I took the idea and ran with it to create the Pillars of Dream Life Design. With just these 4 Pillars it is extremely simple to design your dream life.

A Dream Job is a not just a job. A Dream Job allows you to live a completely fulfilling life across all angles. In order to help you design a job that will make you truly fulfilled, you will first learn about the 4 Pillars of Fulfillment.

Then I'll guide you so you learn how to use the pillars to design your dream job.
Get This For FREE When You Order The Dream Job Design Workshop Today! 
Bonus #3 - The Ignite Your Passion Cookbook
"The Proven System To Get Inspired And Love What You Do"
Total Value: $297
There is nothing worse than going to a job on Monday morning that you have no excitement for. I lived it for years, and I have the sensation you know what I mean.

Now take a moment and image the opposite. Imagine that you wake up next Monday morning extremely excited to start the work day. Imagine that you are doing something you love all day long. How does that feel?

It might sound far-fetched but there is a simple recipe for truly igniting your passion. I didn't always know the recipe though. In the first 12 months after I left corporate I tried all kinds of projects. 

I followed even the smallest urge to try to find what I loved. And it worked. Now I'm extremely passionate about what I do. I love it.

But it took me A LOT of trial and error.  I don't want you to go through that, so I put together the Ignite Your Passion Cookbook. 

I took everything I learned over those 12 months and put it into a PROVEN SYSTEM that will allow you to find what really inspires you and LOVE YOUR JOB.
Get This For FREE When You Order The Dream Job Design Workshop Today! 
Bonus #4 - Discover Your Purpose Decoded
"The Secret Process To Finally Know What You Really Want To Do And Why You Want To Do It"
Total Value: $297
I know, I know, I know. Purpose is an intimidating word. You want to feel like you are following your purpose. You want to feel like your work has meaning. You want to know that you are making an impact.

But you're stuck. Maybe you think you know your purpose but you don't know how to live it. Maybe you have no clue what your purpose is. Maybe you don't think you have one at all.

I'm here to assure you that you do have a purpose. In fact you have many. And the good news is that I'm doing to take you through my SECRET PROCESS to figure out what you REALLY want to do and understand WHY you want to do it.

It's a 2 step process that works every single time. It will work for you. You will finally know what you are here to do. Ahhh, sweet sweet clarity.
Get This For FREE When You Order The Dream Job Design Workshop Today! 
"YES! This Is The SAME System That I've Used To Help Clients Figure Out What They Want, Who They Want To Become, And How To Land Their Dream Job"
(Normally $997 - For just $19) !!!

I'm here today because I want to give you something that I call "The Dream Job Design System".

This is my framework and my course for how to design your dream job that will make you feel completely happy and fulfilled.

But before I give you access to the The Dream Job Design System, I want to tell you the backstory about how it was created...

This is NOT something that I just made up one day, and hoped that it would work, I spent OVER 5 years testing and perfecting this system for you!

This is what happened...

10 years ago, I went to my first ever “Career Fair”, and I assumed that it would a place where I would hand out a few resumes, talk to a few uninspiring recruiters, and leave without any plan for what to do next...

But what happened next, completely confused me...

I walked up to the first person I saw, and
I listened in 'awe' as she told me about how much she loved her job, felt valued by her boss and her team, and made a great salary! 
At the end of his presentation, I still remember what happened...

She asked the audience if we knew what she did.

I was as excited as everyone else to see what it might be...

Finally, she made the shocking revelation that she was an actuary and worked in insurance...

And what happened next changed my life...

I remember she had the biggest smile on her face

...I could FEEL that she truly loved her job!

I sat there in amazement as she went through all the benefits of her dream job...

Work she was passionate about, a feeling of purpose, the opportunity to grow and learn, and a team of coworkers that were like her family.

Then she started showing us pictures of all the trips she had been on...

South America...
Southeast Asia...
She had so much freedom...

And so on she went until I was completely convinced that I needed to have her life!

She designed her DREAM JOB and she had an amazing work-life balance

The she finished talking and the next actuary got up and told the same story...

I listened to it all again, I learned about the easy hours, the great team environment, the great relationship he had with his boss, and his high salary.

I didn't really want to be an actuary...

But I knew that if someone who was JUST LIKE ME, could feel happy and fulfilled, feel a deep sense of purpose, and love what they do all while making good money...

...then I NEEDED to learn this skill,


Maybe I wasn't going to earn $1,000,000 a year like the big bankers on wall street (or so I thought at the time)...

But what if this one skill could help me make $200,000 per year and truly love my life?

Or $300,000? Or $500,000?
And have time to spend with my family and friends?
And be passionate about what I do?

What would it be worth to learn THAT skill...?

There was just one problem...

I had already built up a network in a different industry and I was nervous to change careers...

I took the leap of faith and decided there was still time to change, so I applied for the new job...

I was nervous...but I was pretty sure I could learn as long as I put my mind to it...and so when I got the job offer I responded with an excited...YES!!

The first three years I worked in Boston and then when a job opened up in Dublin I happily accepted!

After a few years in Dublin, there was a merger with our Spanish entity, and I applied for a promotion to work in Madrid...

But the language was Spanish...

And it was in a completely new specialty...

But I was climbing the ladder so why not keep going...right?
I went in with full confidence and asked for the biggest projects, sure that we would be able to deliver.

And then it happened. My Worst Nightmare Came True.

I took the biggest project...

I worked 12 hour days for months...
Work completely took over my life...
I didn't feel valued...
I didn't feel I was part of a team...

Worst of all I didn't feel I was making a real impact...

It didn't matter that I delivered my BEST work...

Worked extra hours EVERY day...

I just wasn't happy there...

And then, in what was one of the most embarrassing moments of my corporate career

happened just after coronavirus and everyone new about it...

Our department had a reorganization and I was laid off.

I DIDN'T feel valued.
I FELT like my work had no meaning.
I DIDN'T know where to go.
I DIDN'T know what to do.
I felt like I didn't belong :(
I didn’t get it…why were other actuaries so happy in their work? Why didn't it work out for me?

I went over and over it again in my mind...
“When did my whole life become about work?”
“Was it my fault?”
“Did I pick the wrong career?”
“Maybe I’m not cut out to do this “actuarial" thing..."
What went wrong?
I literally hid out in my apartment for the next 3 weeks (eating piles of homemade cookies and watching TV series) because I didn’t want to think about trying to find a new job.

“Well, that’s that”, I thought...

I didn't know what I wanted to do...I gave up hopes of finding a job that would make me happy...

And I didn't look for a while...

But I still had a few close friends who were truly happy in with their jobs. They had designed jobs that gave them freedom, made them feel valued, and they made a real impact they felt good about.

Then eventually I developed the belief that: 

IF I COULD LEARN THIS ONE SKILL, that my life would change forever...

That thought kept going through my mind...I needed to learn how to design my job, not to just go through the motions and take what came to me...

So I started trying different things...

I took on a new challenge...
Then second...
Then a third...
I read every book I could find on job and life design...
Some of my peers who had gone through the job search process before pulled me aside and started helping me...

Each one used a similar "design system" that they had used to design their dream job, that I wasn't.

I also went to hours and hours of leadership, business, and productivity training, and started to model what my mentors were doing...

Every new challenge, I'd add in the new things I was learning...

I tried a fourth time...
a fifth...

....until slowly I started to master the skill, and I started to fully design my dream job based on what was right for me, not based on what was right for other people!

I Started Designing A System That Would Guarantee I Felt Purpose and Passion in Work and Loved What I Did

Every time I took on a new project, I would figure out how it could fit into my dream life.

I tried writing a newsletter, hosting networking events, running an online community, writing screenplays, teaching math, leading yoga retreats and and many many other things!

After designing strategies dozens of times, I started to create a framework that took EVERYTHING I had learned from the top design leaders in the world, as well as what I discovered from my own experiences...

Every new opportunity that came my way I would use this framework to see if it was right for me...

Then I created my first draft of the Dream Job Design System...
I went from hating my 9 to 5...
To Travelling The World As A Digital Nomad And Working My Absolute Dream Job...
(And Feeling Completely FREE AND FULFILLED Every Day!)

But then something changed for me...

After Using My Own System, I Realized I Wanted to Help Others...

I had spent all that time perfecting my design system...

And I got GREAT at it!

I was happy every day, and I was inspired by where my life was going...

But many people I know didn't have that.

I hated that so many people were unhappy...

I hated that they didn't feel valued at work.

I hated that their potential was being wasted.

I hated that they felt stuck with nowhere to go.

So Late Last Summer, While On A Surf Trip in The North Of Spain, I Decided:

I just can't do this ANYMORE.
I can't watch anyone else just go through the motions of life...

I Took Everything I Learned From Years Of Experience And Hundreds of Hours of Working With Others

"The Dream Job Design System"
Every time I have a new opportunity, I use this system...

Every time I meet someone who feels stuck and doesn't know what to do next I use this system to help the get complete clarity about what they want and what to do next...

And I watch as they live the life they always knew they were capable of!
If You Can Answer 3 Easy Questions, Then You Too Can Design Your Dream Job and Love What You Do!
If you are looking for a change but you aren't sure what EXACTLY you want, then this is the PERFECT SYSTEM for you!

In the past I only taught people the "Dream Job Design System" in my expensive 1x1 sessions...but today I want to make you a VERY SPECIAL OFFER and give you the entire system and action plan to show you HOW to design YOUR dream job and get the clarity and confidence to make a change!
For Only $19.00
Yes... for about the price of  dinner you can get access to a workshop that took me OVER 5 YEARS to create...

That after you master, will give you the ability to work and your dream job and be happy and fulfilled at work for the rest of your life!
YES Alex! Give Me Instant Access To The Dream Job Design System And Workshop RIGHT NOW For Just $19.00 !
It Doesn't Matter What Industry You're In...The Dream Job Design System is For YOU!
In fact...
I work with people in every market and niche who are using this SAME  SYSTEM to design their own dream job!
They come from EVERY INDUSTRY you can dream of, like:
  • ​Finance Professionals...
  • ​Executive Assistants...
  • ​Teachers...
  • Digital ​Marketing...
  • ​Sales managers...
  • ​Team Managers...
  • ​College Graduates...
  • ​Recruiters...
  • ​​Administrative Assistants...
  • ​Journalism...
  • ​Insurance Professionals...
  • ​Data Analysts...
  • ​Medical Professionals...
  • ​Dental Professionals...
  • ​Engineers...
  • ​Lawyers...
I've worked with clients from ALL over the world to design their dream jobs and create lives of deep fulfillment
Meet Darren, who's Dream Job Has Taken Him From Ireland to the US to Mexico...
Where will your Dream Job take you?
There Is NO CATCH!
If my “Dream Job Design System” works so well, why am I teaching it to you? For only $27?

Here's why:

Nothing irritates me more than wasted human potential. And if you aren't working in your dream job, then you aren't bringing your full self to the table. And we need you. This world needs you.

My goal for this workshop for you to complete it, love it, & design the job of your wildest dreams.

Then I want you to hire me to either help you get that job or to help you design the rest of you life using my Life Design System.

My mentor taught me early on that the best way to prove to someone that you can help them ...

... is to actually help them.

So this is my way of helping you … to prove to you that we can help you.

So that …

You’ll someday hire me to help you design the next level of your dream life.

Sound fair?

And if you’d like to implement what’s in the workshop on your own, that's cool too. I just want to see you live your dreams.

Either way, it’s an amazing workshop that walks you through everything you need to design your dream job and finally start living a life you are fulfilled by.
Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.
Because this workshop & bonuses contain hours of valuable content as well as the action steps to implement the system, it is worth WAY more than what I'm charging. But I'm running a special offer for a short time, but your special offer won't last long.

If you want to finally live the life you have always dreamed of, I highly recommend accepting your invitation today for just $27.
Risk Free Satisfaction Guarantee
I 100% guarantee that you'll love this workshop, or I'll return your $19 and let you keep the workshop content and all of the bonuses anyways.

Simply email me I'll give you back your money with no questions asked ... and I'll let you keep everything included... as my gift to you.

Fair enough?

You Must Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Enroll In the Dream job Design Workshop.
YES Alex! Give Me Instant Access To The Dream Job Design Workshop RIGHT NOW For Just $19.00 !
  Instant Access To Dream Job Design System and Workshop  (Value $497)
  Full Access to the Dream Job Design Action Plan (Value $297)
  Finally Discover the 4 Pillars of Fulfillment (Value $197)
  ​Instant Access to the Ignite Your Passion Cookbook (Value $297)
  Full Access to Discover Your Purpose Decoded (Value $297)
Total Value: $1,585
Today Just $19
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter, and I'm excited for where your life is going!

Thanks again,
Alex Swanton
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm inviting you attend a very exclusive experience, The Dream Job Design Workshop (instant access).

Inside, you'll discover the dream job design system that will allow you to love what you do and make an impact that inspires you every single day!

This is the same system I spent over 5 years perfecting and you can use it to design your dream job in any industry!

I also walk you through the system step by step with action exercises so you can start to apply the system right away and make your dream job a reality NOW.

The reason why I'm offering the workshop for only $19 is because I truly believe that we all have a gift to give to the world and there is nothing I hate to see more than wasted human potential.  I know this workshop will unleash your gift and this world will be a better place for it. 

Plus I know you're going to love it, and I hope that you'll hire me to help you at future stages of your life design journey.

If you don't absolutely love the workshop, simply let mw know, & I'll grant you a full refund AND even let you keep access to all of the content as my gift to you.

So, click the button below now to accept your invitation. Your life will be much better for it.
YES Alex! Give Me Instant Access To The Dream Job Design System and Workshop RIGHT NOW For Just $19.00 !
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Everything Your Going To Get
  • Instant Access To Dream Job Design System and Workshop (Value $497)
  • Full Access to the Dream Job Design Action Plan (Value $297)
  • Finally Discover the 4 Pillars of Fulfillment (Value $197)
  • ​Instant Access to the Ignite Your Passion Cookbook (Value $297)
  • Full Access to Discover Your Purpose Decoded (Value $297)
Total Value: $1,585
Today Just $19
© Dream Life Design, LLC